International Vaccinations

Careful prevention before departure is the best way to avoid unpleasant surprises while on vacation.

The vaccine is undoubtedly our first ally in prevention, the first line of defense against diseases that can have even severe consequences.

Prevention for travelers

When we set out on a trip, there are so many decisions we have to make: booking the plane, finding a hotel or a house, establishing the itinerary, packing our suitcases... All activities aimed at ensuring the best possible experience, whether it is a beach vacation or a trip to explore Peru. It is important not to forget to pay the same care to our health through the most effective preventive measures to travel peacefully and safely. Whether it's fulfilling your destination's vaccination obligations, or conducting a careful risk analysis while traveling, you'll find what you're looking for at our Ambimed Points.

Book an international vaccination

Want to know what prophylaxis and vaccinations are recommended for your trip? Trust our specialists in Travel Medicine.

Routine vaccinations

In the Ambimed Travel Clinics you can also carry out vaccinations useful for the prevention of the whole family.


Would you like to receive more information about our services? Request a contact.

Want to better and safely plan your next trip around the world?
Listen to the suggestions of Dr. Vincenzo Nicosia, Ambimed's Medical Director for Travel Medicine.