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Hepatitis B vaccine

Hepatitis B vaccine price


Hepatitis A+B Vaccine price


Exevalent Vaccine price


* The price shown does not include the administrative costs of the medical facility

What is Hepatitis B

It is a disease of viral origin. In the case of acute hepatitis there are symptoms such as yellowing of skin and eyes, nausea, vomiting or liver failure, and death. Chronic disease, on the other hand, exposes one to a high risk of cirrhosis and liver tumors (which occur in about 20-30% of adults).

The importance of prevention

It is typically transmitted from mother to child at birth or by exposure to infected blood, but also by contact with bodily fluids. Therefore, transmission can occur during medical procedures, tattooing, use of razors or sexual intercourse.

The vaccine

Trade name:

Engerix-b / Hbvaxpro / Fendrix 

Twinrix (hepatitis A+B) 

Infraix, Exion (exevalent)


The vaccination cycle involves 3 doses, to be given after 1 and 2 months after the previous one, or after 1 and 6 months. For infants, the National Vaccination Plan calls for doses at 3, 5, and 11 months of age. A booster is not typically required.

The vaccine consists of the inactivated, adsorbed virus and is administered intramuscularly. There is no age limit.

It is administered intramuscularly.

The most common side effects are injection site pain and redness, malaise, drowsiness, irritability, fever, and headache.

Vaccination should be postponed if a high fever is present. It should be avoided if severe allergic reactions to the vaccine or any of its components have occurred in the past. During pregnancy and lactation, it is important to consult with a specialist to consider postponing administration.

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The information presented is general in nature, is published for general audiences and is not a substitute for the relationship between patient and physician.