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Rabies vaccine

Vaccine price


* The price shown does not include the administrative costs of the medical facility

What is rabies?

A disease of viral origin, it affects mainly animals and more rarely humans, usually as a result of the bite of infected animals. It occurs in two forms, the furious form, which is more common, and the paralytic form. In both cases the lethality is about 99 percent if the disease is not treated immediately.

The importance of prevention

Given the mortality of the disease, the vaccine can be a key tool depending on individual risk, potential exposure, and length of stay in risk areas. It is also extremely useful in the event of exposure to the virus, allowing immunization to be achieved before the onset of symptoms.

The vaccine

Trade name:

Rabipur / Imovax Rabies

For pre-exposure vaccination there are 2 doses, the second to be administered on the 7th day after the first. For the post-exposure regimen, however, the doses increase to 4: two on day "0," on day 3 and finally on day 7. In general, a booster is not necessary, but indications vary depending on the specific case.

The vaccine is composed of inactivated rabies virus administered intramuscularly.

It is administered intramuscularly.


More than 30 years of use have demonstrated the vaccine's safety. The most common side effects affect about 4% of the population and are injection site pain and redness and fever.

Vaccination should be postponed if a high fever is present. It should be avoided if severe allergic reactions to the vaccine or any of its components have occurred in the past. During pregnancy and lactation, it is important to consult with a specialist to consider postponing administration.

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The information presented is general in nature, is published for general audiences and is not a substitute for the relationship between patient and physician.