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Yellow Fever vaccine

Vaccine price


* Price shown does not include medical facility administrative fees
For those over 60, WHO recommends prior consultation with a medical specialist to assess possible risks of adverse events after vaccine administration.

What is yellow fever?

A tropical disease of viral origin, it mainly affects humans and monkeys and is transmitted by mosquito bite. Various symptoms occur in the various stages of the disease, including high fever, bleeding, and liver failure.

The importance of prevention

Vaccination is the safest and most effective weapon (protection exceeds 95 percent) to counter the transmission of a virus capable of causing serious problems. It is also mandatory to enter several countries, not only those where the disease is endemic.

The vaccine

Trade name: Stamaril

The vaccine cycle involves 1 dose, to be administered at least 10 days before potential exposure to the virus. Current information indicates that protection is long-lasting (probably lifelong), so booster is recommended only in limited cases.

The vaccine consists of live attenuated virus and is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Vaccination is given from the age of nine months.

It is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

The most common side effects are mild and include pain at the application site, fever, headache, and muscle aches, which typically pass within a few days. Adverse reactions affecting the nervous system or liver, or replicating symptoms of the disease, are very rare, and most easily affect those over 60 years of age and under 6 months of age.

For patients over 60 years of age, evaluation by a specialist is recommended.

The vaccine is not recommended for children under 6 months of age, pregnant women, and immunocompromised individuals or those who have had severe allergic reactions to the vaccine or its components. In these cases, it is best to avoid travel or, if that is not possible, to take extra care to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes. In case one's destination requires a vaccine certificate, one should contact one of the authorized centers to receive a vaccine exemption form, which is valid internationally.

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The information presented is general in nature, is published for general audiences and is not a substitute for the relationship between patient and physician.