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Tick-borne Encephalitis vaccine

Vaccine price


* The price shown does not include the administrative costs of the medical facility

What is tick-borne encephalitis?

A disease of viral origin, it is typically transmitted by the bite of a tick or, in rarer cases, by the consumption of unpasteurized milk. The infection can be asymptomatic, or cause fever, which evolves in a second stage into the typical symptoms of meningitis or meningoencephalitis that may be accompanied by episodes of paralysis.

The importance of prevention

The disease is endemic in most European (including Italy) and Asian countries. Transmission occurs mainly in forested or rural areas, and the incidence of the disease is highest in spring-summer, when people are more likely to spend time outdoors. There is no curative treatment, so the vaccine is the best tool to protect yourself.

The vaccine

Trade name:

Ticovac 0.5 ml (adults 16 years of age and older)

Ticovac 0.25 ml (children 1 to 15 years of age)

Three doses are planned. The second dose is given 1 to 3 months after the first, the third 5 to 12 months after the second. For subjects between 1 and 60 years of age, the first booster is given 3 years after the first administration and every 5 years thereafter. For subjects over 60 years of age, the booster is administered every 3 years.

Inactivated virus vaccine, adsorbed. It exists in adult (0.5ml) and pediatric (0.25ml) formulations. It is administered intramuscularly and has been found in field studies to have efficacy approaching 99%.

It is administered intramuscularly.


The most common side effects are pain and redness of the injection site, fever, and headache.

Vaccination should be postponed if a high fever is present. It should be avoided if you have had severe allergic reactions to the vaccine or vaccine components in the past.

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The information presented is general in nature, is published for general audiences, and is not a substitute for the relationship between patient and physician.