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Cholera vaccine

Vaccine price


* The price shown does not include the administrative costs of the medical facility

What is cholera?

It is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, found in much of the world. It is spread by ingesting contaminated food or water and causes symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting and subsequent dehydration.

The importance of prevention

Although it does not cause symptoms in most infected people, it can lead to death in the most severe cases (more than 100,000 deaths per year are estimated). It is endemic in many developing countries, but can cause outbreaks where sanitation conditions are critical, such as following disasters that damage sewer and water systems.

The vaccine

Trade name:

Dukoral, Vaxchora

For the Dukoral vaccine, 3 doses are provided in children aged 2 to 6 years, which becomes 3 doses, which becomes 2 for adults and children older than 6 years, with an interval between doses of 1 week. The vaccine cycle should be completed at least one week before possible exposure to the virus, and coverage lasts 2 years. Booster involves the administration of a single dose.

For the Vaxchora vaccine there is 1 dose, which can be administered from 2 years of age. Vaccination should be given at least 10 days before possible exposure to the virus. A booster after 2 years would be indicated, according to recent studies.

Dukoral is composed of the inactivated bacteria and B subunits of the cholera toxin responsible for symptoms. Vaxchora from attenuated live bacterial strains. Both are taken orally. Once the solution is mixed, Dukoral should be drunk within two hours while Vaxchora within 15 minutes. Mixing with the use of natural mineral water is recommended for Vaxchora.

If Vaxchora is taken, oral typhoid vaccine can be administered after 2 hours while chloroquine (antimalarial) after 10 days. There are currently no data available about co-administration with other antimalarial drugs.

Suspension and effervescent granules, taken orally.

The most frequently indicated adverse reactions are abdominal pain, headache, fatigue, diarrhea, unformed stools, nausea, and vomiting.

Vaccine administration should be postponed in individuals with acute gastrointestinal illness or acute febrile illness.

Vaccine administration during pregnancy or lactation should be considered after a risk-benefit analysis by the Medical Specialist.

Contraindications to the vaccine are hypersensitivity to any of the active ingredients, any of the excipients or formaldehyde. Vaxchora vaccine is also contraindicated in individuals with congenital immunodeficiencies or those following immunosuppressant treatment.

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