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Quality Policy and Certifications

With an effective quality management policy, we are committed to improving business efficiency.

The drafting of a Quality Policy is a concrete expression of Ambimed's management's utmost commitment to ensuring compliance with all the requirements necessary to guarantee quality and compliance in accordance with current regulations.

The document defines the intentions of governance vis-à-vis a variety of factors and outlines guidelines for implementing processes to continuously improve the company's management system with the aim of:

  • ensuring compliance with the qualitative, quantitative, time, economic, and safety requirements of its product and service offerings by implementing nonconformity prevention logics;

  • ensure an adequate level of training and information to all personnel, with a view to Empowerment and Knowledge Management;

  • increase Customer Satisfaction, ensuring compliance with the requirements made explicit by the customer and Stakeholders from the point of view of quality, quantity, and safety of work, as well as quality/price ratio of products and services, through a focus on the operational efficiency of the processes of design, implementation, delivery and product support.

Quality certifications are another example of the concrete application of a proper quality policy.

Acquired through accredited external bodies, the company's quality certifications ensure the conformity of systems, processes and services to the requirements regulated by international standards.

Ambimed's Quality Management System is UNI EN ISO 9001 certified by Bureau Veritas Italy and guarantees constant monitoring of each process, maintenance of performance and continuous improvement of the quality standards delivered.

Customer satisfaction orientation, performance improvement and increased productivity combined with a high level of service quality are key prerogatives in the growth path that Ambimed has long undertaken with the aim of consolidating itself as a reference provider in the field of prevention and safety services aimed at individuals and companies.

Our Travel Medicine Services

Thanks to the experience gained in the Travel Medicine sector, Ambimed has applied the issues of prevention and medical safety while traveling within the scope of the obligations set forth in Model 231, Legislative Decree 81/08 and ISO 31030 directives by structuring a proposal of services to protect the health of employees before, during and after the work trip and/or period of stay abroad. With the correct prevention and adequate preparation, transfer staff are able to safely face business travel.