Our Travel Medicine Services
Thanks to the experience gained in the Travel Medicine sector, Ambimed has applied the issues of prevention and medical safety while traveling within the scope of the obligations of Model 231, Legislative Decree 81/08 and ISO 31030 directives by structuring a proposal of services to protect the health of employees before, during and after the work trip and/or period of stay abroad. With the correct prevention and adequate preparation, transfer staff are able to safely face business travel.
Institutional Links

WHO World Health Organization
Information pages regarding each disease, epidemiological data, and global prevention and control guidelines can be found on the WHO portal.

Information pages regarding each disease, global epidemiological outbreaks, and traveler prevention guidelines can be found on the CDC portal.

the international society of travel medicine
News regarding travel medicine can be accessed on the ISTM portal. ISTM has more than 4,000 members in more than 100 countries. It is a committed international society with ongoing contributions to the advancement of travel science and travel medicine globally.

Ministry of Health
On the portal of the Ministry of Health you can find all the news and regulations issued by the Ministry to avoid health risks.

Travel Safe
On the Travel Safe portal you can see all the health issues that possible travel destinations might present.

ISS Superior Institute of Health
On the ISS portal you can browse the latest studies and articles published regarding prevention, treatment and innovation in the medical field.

ASTMH - American Society of Travel Medicine and Hygiene.
The latest publications and scientific evidence on Travel Medicine and disease prevention and control can be found on the ASTMH portal.

SIMIT Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases.
The latest published articles and guidelines related to infectious and tropical diseases can be found on the SIMIT portal.

FIMMG Italian Federation of General Practitioners
The FIMMG portal provides the latest updates on decrees and legal provisions in the national health regulatory arena.

SIMVIM Italian Society of Travel and Migration Medicine.
On the SIMVIM portal you can be informed about due health precautions on potential risk situations in international travel destinations.