Technical Health Consulting

A thorough analysis of health and environmental risks, taking into account the clinical profile of the employee and the specifics of thedestination, the level of local medical facilities, and ease of access is essential to ensure the safety of workers on assignment.

The analysis must assess endemic health issues, the level of local medical facilities and ease of access, the framework must obviously take into consideration the tasks that will be performed by the individual employee in relation to the environment in which he or she will work correlated with his or her pre-departure clinical status.



"The employer must assess all risks including potential and peculiar environmental risks related to the characteristics of the country where the work performance is to be carried out, such as, by way of example, the so-called aggravated generic risks related to the geopolitical situation of the country (e.g. civil wars, attacks, etc.) and the health conditions of the geographical context of reference not considered abstractly, but which have the reasonable and concrete possibility of occurring in correlation with the work activity carried out." As provided in Article 279 of Legislative Decree 81/08 - Prevention and Control, point 2 reports the possibility of taking special protective measures for those workers for whom special protective measures are required

Our Travel Risk Management specialists help companies with traveling staff identify and map risks
associated with travel resulting in an updated Risk Assessment Document.


Health protocols for foreign countries

Together with the Medical Officer, ad hoc health protocols will be created ad hoc for travel abroad, which may include, for example:

  • Additional medical examinations associated with the destination;
  • Pre-trip induction between an Ambimed doctor and the traveller;
  • The prescription of an anti-malarial drug prophylaxis;
  • a supplementary vaccination plan before departure;
  • further medical examinations to check your health upon return.

The legal and moral responsibility of a business entity to take care of its employees while traveling or away is known as the Duty of Care. Any corporate entity is required to demonstrate that it has properly fulfilled its Duty of care in the event that a travel/transfer accident occurs.

Would you like to receive more information? Request a contact.

Our Travel Medicine Services

Thanks to the experience gained in the Travel Medicine sector, Ambimed has applied the issues of prevention and medical safety while traveling within the scope of the obligations of Model 231, Legislative Decree 81/08 and ISO 31030 directives by structuring a proposal of services to protect the health of employees before, during and after the work trip and/or period of stay abroad. With the correct prevention and adequate preparation, transfer staff are able to safely face business travel.
05b - The services of Travel Medicine

Our Travel Medicine Services

Thanks to the experience gained in the Travel Medicine sector, Ambimed has applied the issues of prevention and medical safety while traveling within the scope of the obligations of Model 231, Legislative Decree 81/08 and ISO 31030 directives by structuring a proposal of services to protect the health of employees before, during and after the work trip and/or period of stay abroad. With the correct prevention and adequate preparation, transfer staff are able to safely face business travel.