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Anti-Malaria medical consultation and prescription drugs

Price in Ambimed Point


Price Videoconsultation


* The price shown does not include the administrative costs of the medical facility

What is Malaria?

Malaria is a potentially lethal infectious disease for humans, caused by several types of single-celled parasites and transmitted through the bite of an infected female mosquito of the genus Anopheles. Symptoms of malaria appear 9 to 30 days after the bite of the infected mosquito and include shaking chills, high fever, headache, nausea, diarrhea, sweating, anemia, and muscle aches.

The importance of prevention

Chemoprophylaxis is especially indicated for those headed to malaria-risk endemic areas of Asia, Africa, Latin and Central America, the Caribbean islands, and Oceania. No antimalarial drug is 100 percent protective so personal protective measures, such as effective mosquito repellent and appropriate clothing, preferably light-colored, should also be taken.

Commercial name of the drug

Malarone / Lariam /Bassado / Miraclin

Chemoprophylaxis should begin at least 24 hours or 48 hours before arriving in the risk area and continue during the stay, but timing and duration of treatment will vary depending on the drug used.

The drugs recommended for malaria prevention are prescribed according to the travel destination, the period and length of stay, the traveler's medical condition, and other factors. Currently, the most commonly used chemoprevention drugs are:

To be taken orally with the dosage indicated by the doctor based on the prescribed medication.

It is essential to report any medications previously prescribed for concomitant conditions to the travel medicine specialist at the pretravel consultation so that he or she can assess possible drug interactions with the medications to be used by the traveler for prophylactic purposes.

After completing antimalarial prophylaxis, pregnancy should be avoided to allow complete excretion of the drug. The waiting time is calculated according to the half-life of the drugs:

Atovaquone-Proguanil: 1 month
Doxycycline: 1 week
Mefloquine: 3 months

Your safety and health are at the heart of our commitment. You can always count on the experience and expertise of the Ambimed team.
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02 87399117

The information presented is general in nature, is published for general audiences and is not a substitute for the relationship between patient and physician.