Videoterminalist: the job of the future

  • February 17, 2025


In today's century, the advent of technology has radically altered the way various professionals work. This upward parabola has undergone a rapid increase in the curve as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic in which we are involved. Because of this never more than today, the figure of the video terminal worker must be valued and protected.

The pandemic in which we were involved has led to a radical change in the performance of many professional activities, introducing more of the telematic route, for obvious reasons both as a means of communication and as a tool for carrying out one's professional activity.

The word of the present century, smart working, has been a breakthrough for a number of professionals who have been able to work remotely, but at the same time, being in line with the fast changing times, it requires timely regulations to protect the worker.

The figure of the videoterminalist finds a conceptual framework in Legislative Decree 81/08, in which a worker who uses alphanumeric or graphic screens, including a laptop, to carry out his or her professional activity is considered to belong to the said category. This activity must be carried out systematically/habitually for a time duration of more than 20 hours/week.

Videoterminals are considered to be at higher risk of developing morbid conditions mainly related to vision (decreased vision, focus deficit, eye heaviness), musculoskeletal system (back pain, altered posture), mood (psychological disorders, anxiety).

To protect the professional, minimum requirements have been established to be met in agreement with the employer:

  • a worker who performs his or her activity at a video display screen for 4 consecutive hours must observe a quarter-hour break every 2 hours;
  • unless otherwise specified by the competent physician, checkups are scheduled every two years for those who are considered fit with a prescription or for all those who, having passed the age of 50, need more timely checkups;
  • the employer shall provide the worker at his or her own expense with suitable visual correction devices where the outcome of the checkups conducted at the competent physician's office establishes the need for such devices.

Instrumentation used by the worker such as screens, keyboard, pointing devices, work surface and work seat must meet minimum requirements of adherence to quality standards, below are some details.


The screen must have a good resolution with the size of the characters used having a congruous size not to generate a visual impairment for the video terminalist, finally, brightness and contrast between the characters and the screen must be adjusted.


The keyboard must be separate from the screen and possess a slope-shifting mechanism such that the worker is guaranteed to assume the most appropriate position for the performance of his or her professional activity.


The desk or work surface should be adequate in both height and depth, preferably adjustable. The minimum height is 70-80 cm.

Working chair

Working chair should be stable and allow freedom of movement, back-lumbar support should also be provided to the user.

Lighting and acoustics

Environmental lighting is crucial; it must be such that it does not generate glare to the user or excessive luminance contrasts. Noise pollution is also an important risk factor: by virtue of the number of hours the videterminalist is obliged to stay in the room, it must be properly assessed to avoid generating damage.

Being the cause of occupational disease, the worker is obliged to be subjected to health surveillance so as to assess the possible genesis or progression of the injury and concomitantly establish a possible withdrawal of fitness. It is essential not only that what is provided for according to legal norms is complied with, but also that the worker is aware of the benefit derived from proper management of the prevention tools at his disposal so that the benefit derived from the use of technology becomes greater than the harm derived from its improper use.


Legislative Decree 81/08




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