191919- founding of the ILO: Following the Treaty of Versaille, which put an "end"to the First World War, the ILO was founded - International Labor Organization,better known by its English acronym ILO- International Labor Organization. Essa, still present and active today in as many as 181 Member States, is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN), with which it was associated in 1946, and has as its primary objective the pursuit of social justice and the universal recognition of human rights in labor, through the promotion of decent work-the so-called "Decent Work"-under conditions of freedom, equality and security for all women and men, so much so that the ILO was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1969.
1950- Joint Commission of the ILO and WHO: indicated the essential purposes, still relevant and always true, of Medicine in the Field of Labor namely:
1955- Presidential Decree No. 547: regulations for the prevention of accidents at work.
1956- Presidential Decree No. 303: general regulations for occupational hygiene. Both of these Decrees still represent a very valid point of reference in the performance of occupational health activities.
1968- Law No. 132: initial, albeit unsuccessful, attempt to create a public hospital welfare network, with more than valid basic purposes, as it was geared to guarantee care for all Italian citizens through the creation of the first forms of hospital corporation to replace the health insurance funds. Its implementation created excessive inequality among citizens for two reasons: the first related to better and more careful protection of wage-earners and their family members at the expense of other citizens, due to the ceding of part of wages, in favor of a fund intended to cover medical and welfare expenses for themselves and their loved ones.
The second related to an exponential increase in both hospitalizations, particularly unnecessary ones, and in the length of stays, factors that, both caused an excessive increase in the debt owed by the mutual societies to the hospital ones.
1974- Law No. 836: reciting: "Rules for the extinction of the debts of the mutualist institutions to hospital institutions, the financing of hospital expenditures and the initiation of health care reform"with which the Government sought to remedy the damage caused by the previous Law.
1978- Law No. 833: Institution of the"National Health Service"
The model devised in this Law is definitely innovative and a source of inspiration for many other "countries," since it is based on principles of Universality, Globality and Equality. Indeed, in the first article, emphasis is placed on the protection of health as a fundamental right of the individual and in the interest of the community (principle of universality): such protection must take place through the promotion, maintenance and recovery of the physical and mental health (principle of globality) of the entire population, without distinction of individual or social conditions and in a manner that ensures equality (principle of equality) of citizens. In the second article, on the other hand, emphasis is placed on the objectives to be pursued in order to be able to ensure the principles set forth in Article 1, namely:
Other elements, which affect us directly, appear in Article 6 which states:Administrative functions concerning various areas are the responsibility of the State but I will mention only two of them since they are inherent to the subject of the current discussion:
Law 833/78 has, in addition, established the Local Health Units within which the responsibilities related to the protection of health in the workplace has been entrusted, specifically, to the Prevention and Safety Services in the Workplace (SPESAL) whose main activities are two:
From the above it is therefore easy to see how, for any type of company, it is necessary to have professional figures of reference, who are highly specialized, such as the Occupational Physician, whose task is simply to be able to enforce compliance with the regulations in force, regulations that since the distant 1919 are increasingly in strong evolution.