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Why vaccinate the elderly against pneumococcal disease

Bacteria are the main pathogens that can cause pneumonia in old age. Among them, it is important to mention...

Herpes virus manifestations

There are eight herpes known to date and they are all double-stranded DNA viruses. They can give clinical...

Yellow fever vaccination: When and why

Yellow fever is an infectious disease caused by a virus Flavivirus, a genus to which the viruses responsible for Dengue...

EVALI, the disease of vaping

E-cig or electronic cigarette, is a device that allows you to inhale vapor and in varying amounts nicotine (6-20 mg),...

Difference between chemoprophylaxis and vaccination

Chemoprophylaxis or chemoprevention is the administration of drugs, such as antibiotics or antimicrobials, to prevent...

Let's learn more about traveler's diarrhea

Every year it is estimated that international travelers, the target of this syndrome, are affected at a rate ranging...

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