EVALI, the disease of vaping

  • April 6, 2023


E-cig or electronic cigarette, is a device that allows you to inhale vapor and in varying amounts nicotine (6-20 mg), in a mixture composed of water, propylene glycol, glycerol and other substances present in lower concentration.  It is possible to add a flavoring substance that increases the variability in taste of the purchased product.

According to ISTAT data collected up to 2020, in a population sample with age over 14 years, electronic cigarette use was present in less than 2.5% (3.0% among males and 1.9% among females) with a significant increase in prevalence in the five-year period 2014-2019.

Yearly data show a modest increase in electronic cigarette use: in 2020 there is 4% of total smokers using vapes as an alternative to the canonical cigarette.

Furthermore, according to the Global Youth Tobacco Survey, it appears that at the same age, male subjects (21.9%) are more likely to use electronic cigarettes than the opposite sex (12.8%).

EVALI, E-cigarette or Vaping use Associated Lung Injury, is a vape-related lung disease: electronic cigarette contributes significantly to the genesis of lung damage that manifests with nonspecific symptomatology referable to chest pain, shortness of breath, wheezing, associated with fever and may result in severe respiratory failure. Much less common, but sometimes present, are gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea and vomiting.

The European Commission's Scientific Committee, which evaluated emerging health and environmental risks in April 2021, has commented on e-cigarettes, denouncing vape-related risks, which are expressed by aninflammatory action on the respiratory tract andan increased likelihood of cardiovascular events in smokers compared to nonsmokers.
In addition, increased cancer risks have been found following long-term exposure to substances such as nitrosamines, acetaldehyde, and formaldehyde.

A CDC study shows that 82% of patients hospitalized as a result of EVALI- E-cigarette or Vaping use Associated Lung Injury-had used e-cigarettes aimed at vaping substances containing Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The cause of the harm appears to be the vitamin E used as an additive in some THC-containing products: it is present in many foods and generally does not cause health damage, but when taken by inhalation it is capable of interfering with normal lung function and causing serious health damage.

The Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed some guidelines aimed at discouraging smoking, including vaping-related smoking.

In particular, it recommends not using electronic cigarettes containing THC, especially if obtained from informal sources such as friends, family members, street retailers or online. It also suggests that consumers should not add other substances outside of those specified by the manufacturer, even if purchased from commercial establishments.

Consumers should consider, as an alternative to smoking, commercially identified medications for smoking cessation approved by the Food and Drug Administration.



Global Youth Tobacco Survey



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